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Plant Based Fragrances

 West Industries is committed to developing sustainable solutions for
 health, productivity and the environment, we will work closely with you to
 develop indoor air quality services tailored to t your needs.

 Our innovative offerings help you meet ef ciency high
 standards, while operating sustainably and keeping costs
 down. We can help you keep your entire operation
 odor-free, promote guest satisfaction and
 ensure fresh indoor air quality.

 At West, we don’t believe in having to compromise between ef cacy and
 safety to users and the environment which is why we have succeeded in
 developing our Tradewinds fragrance certi ed under DfE. By eliminating
 hazardous solvents, environmentally persistent surfactants, and other
 harmful ingredients, we are dedicated to continuous improvement for our
 employees, our customers and the
 communities in which we do business.
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